August 2, 2020
Unfortunately this is what the car looks like a few days before SpeedWeek. The biggest thing I need is to receive the new turbos. They will not be received in time. From running on the hub dyno we have discovered that we did not have large enough turbos to make the HP we need. They may have been fine to go 385 MPH but that was it. No point in going out just to run at that speed. The other thing you will see missing is the transaxle. We managed to break it worse than I thought on the hub dyno. We stripped out 5th and 4th gear. They are custom gears. More are being made right now but SpeedWeek is out anyway. Type your paragraph here.
January 13, 2020
We need more HP to go faster. The last testing at Spaceport did not give us the information we needed. We finally found a good hub dyno to tune the race car on bigger 800 lb/hr injectors and higher boost. We tuned maps for different boost levels for 6 hours. It is really nice it to finally have a way to tune the motor in the car. The good news was we got good data and built maps for lower boost. The bad news is with my current plumbing and “small” 12.5 GPM fuel pump I do not have enough fuel at the higher RPMs and boost levels to feed the motor. Now starts the hunt for a bigger fuel pump and other changes
May 17, 2020
The virus lockdown finally lifted so we went back to the hub dyno on May 16. We installed a bigger 20 GPM fuel pump and fixed a few other things that turned up during the last hub dyno running. We did get the fuel delivery worked out but unfortunately we could not get tuned for the higher boost levels at high RPM. We have some ideas as to why but will need to go over all of the data and come up with the modifications needed.